
Monday, April 9, 2012

Be on high alert people! These "dealers" may want to come to your community next!

There is a debate going on in Dearborn, Michigan right now (No I'm not talking about the Terry Jones thing) This is much more controversial, much more damaging to the community.......

Goodwill wants to open a resale clothing store! OH SHIT!

You see in Dearborn they put resale clothing stores in the same category as strip clubs, you know because buying second hand clothes at a discount is so......seedy.

I want to hear more from the city council lady about exactly what she meant when she said "we are concerned with what "kind" of people will shop there". That statement is so stupid it hurts my head, I mean, what? poor people lady? or maybe other skin colors? What exactly did she mean? I mean OH MY! They are gonna deal in...wait for it.....CLOTHES! Oh no, those damn clothes dealers, ruining the neighborhoods! Can't be letting poor working folk buy decent clothes, or a poor single mom be able to afford some decent school clothes for her kids! Silly people, That would be a travesty to the community!

There are times when people do things that are just stupid. I mean incredibly stupid. This is definitely one of them.


  1. its not a bad store, u can find some real epic sit every now and then

  2. you cant put strippers, clothes and "Seedy" in same sentence, too many things coming to my mind. ;-)
    And that picture and the caption - pic speaks million words.
    Does your council woman consider rinsing as washing as "douching" too?
    "Kind" of people? Can she elaborate that? And sometimes I buy something in the store and return it after a week, does she consider that as "seedy" too? Or she has campaign for "return or exchange" policy for that too?

  3. wow. just WOW. That fat/smug lady on the council needs a reality check. She's disgusting...and not just physically.

  4. @ Mranthrope, I agree with you 100%

  5. "There are times when people do things that are just stupid. I mean incredibly stupid. This is definitely one of them.,,
    I agree with you.
